Posts Tagged ‘afro house music’

KARIZMA 07.03.20

March 18, 2020

The Gathering’s 15 Year Anniversary Celebration

The “D”


The highs sound before the bass kicks. Spaced out whumps wobble from the soundscape. Jazzy synth chords play before being hushed. The heart beat of the pulse-the drums-pound at 124 beats per minute. The track plays like a walk through a park on a breezy day. “Play dat shit! Kai.” The accolades continue.Continue


February 28, 2020

John Ciafone



Over looking the sparkling lights sweeping upward Juarez Mountain, Mexico from the Durango Street overpass vicinal the ballpark stadium, the ear catches pulsating thumps from the distance. In Las Plazaz, the Union Plaza district of downtown, sneakers trek along the community painted mural sidewalk. Ah, within sight, sits the destination, a brick and mortar painted with neon pink letters that reads, Club Here I Love You <3.Continue

OSUNLADE 21.12.19

December 25, 2019


“I NEED ONE LINE. I’M NOT LETTING ANYONE INSIDE UNTIL I SEE ONE LINE FOLKS. Shouts the familiar doorman, who is serious business, his burly body blocking the door’s entrance.  “I NEED TO SEE BARCODES [sic] ON YOUR TICKET TO ENTER.”


BLACK COFFEE Bright Lights, Big Sound Chptr. 1

November 5, 2019


Ameer Brooks & Themba 


Twenty dollars to park? Suck it up. The lot is spacious. Monitored. And clean.   As the outdoor temperature plunges, security pats down the body, checking for the prohibited. Flash your ID, and a scintillating smile. Enter the long corridor, the black-velvet rope queue, is empty of souls waiting to pay the door fee. Two blondes, mid-conversation, scanning your electronic ticket, point you upstairs where a man, dressed in all black, stands.Continue

BLACK COFFEE Bright Lights, Big Sound Chptr. 2

November 4, 2019



The horror unfolds.  They are everywhere. A sea of them is seen. Held in the air. All various sizes. The soft glow of screens. Their displays all read the same. Blackness and flashes of purple pixels. Is this a venue tradition? The gathered mass, standing erect, pulled out smartphones to film onstage the musical shaman playing.  


Defining KERRI CHANDLER /ˈkerē , ˈCHan(d)lər/ 16.02.19

February 28, 2019


Touch the sky,” sings Dana Weaver. Those three words reflect the pulse of the dance floor. Orchestrated by the conductor himself, his hand lowers the tempo to 125 BPMs. Dancing feet shuffle in sync. His head nods with approval. His smirk reveals. In the mind of kaoz is control. Kaoz commands music to create mood. Kaoz transforms moments into dancing movements.Continue


October 1, 2018

And David danced…..

When you are dancing in the middle of the floor in the spotlight and you spin around to find the legend, himself, Mr. David Morales dancing with you. OMG!!!!! After the soirée he high-fives you and returns to the DJ booth.  

video: toasatedink



March 29, 2018

Wakanda Remix


When he said that.  I wanted to cry.”  She gripped her right hand in her bosom and sighed. Seconds paused.  Seconds passed.  Onze-onze-onze thumped underneath staccato tappings in the background.  In the foreground, the chatter of voices spoke lines from a recently released blackbuster superhero release. At the bar, surrounded by friends and acquaintances the party was off to a liquid start.Continue

CULOE DE SONG 23.02.18

March 1, 2018

Culoe De Song 


“Father, tell me the story of that night. The night of music, dance, and DJ, and all that happened.”

“Dear Love. It all happened in the land way down south. Mouths profess, “Durrrty, Durrrty,” for the land’s great red clay. Let us sojourn to the city. For within the city’s walls is great music, its capability to draw all kinds of worldly sounds into its hub of drums.Continue

FRANÇOIS K 28.01.17

January 30, 2017


Staying Woke

“Everybody it’s January 28, 2017.”

“Yayyyyy!” A sea of voices yells.

“If you think I’m going to play music that puts you to sleep. I’m not! There is some $hit that is happening out THERE and I want you to WAKE UP!!!,” shouts an accented baritone, drowned by more “whewwwws” and “yaaayyyys.” His voice shakes with concern and rightfully so.Continue