Posts Tagged ‘Atlanta Georgia’
June 24, 2013Visuals: AJ Dance
… ContinueLARS BEHRENROTH 15.06.13
June 16, 2013Happy Father’s Day
You’ve got to love the event pages on social media websites. The best is the website, yada-yada-yada, that tracks who is going to attend an event. Read the dozens of posts to hype the event. Check out the several comments to hype the posts. Thumb up. Over one hundred people click, “going.” Nowhere near one-hundred people attend the actual event, not even ninety or eighty….the… Continue
OSUNLADE 18.05.13
May 19, 2013OSUNLADE
A brush of a shoulder here and a brush of a shoulder there detour not from the festivity at hand. A sea of brown and beige paints the room’s canvas. The lovely soul children have arrived. The people pack the place. They come ready to be baptized into the waters of deep. Digital phones and tablets rush front and center stage with bright red buttons aglow that records movement. … Continue
CARL CRAIG 04.05.13
May 5, 2013
It is said, the body’s natural response to music is dancing.
The first Saturday in May masquerades as the first Saturday in March. Way too cold and way too wet. Electronic Dance Music pathos suggests the month of May belongs to Detroit’s Movement Festival, still dubbed DEMF, as the month of March to the Winter Music Conference. Detroit’s home-grown finest, techno music thumps from Midwest assembly lines down to the outhouses in the Dirty South. … Continue
May 5, 2013
Recently, having attended an event with an extraordinary DJ, a few patrons realized something was off kilter with this city’s house music market. So, a list of Ten Commandments was complied on how not to throw a party, how to behave at a party and how not to behave at a party and etc. Let us provide higher quality events and safer events for patrons to attend in the near future. … Continue
March 17, 2013
Load. Lock. Click. Boom. I’ve been shot by a South African DJ.
Coffee is a feel-good addictive substance. The early legend of Kaldi states, when the Ethiopian goatherd saw his goats eat coffee berries from a certain tree, the goats grew so spirited they were unable to sleep at night. Soon after, during the 15th century-coffee seeds, yes seeds not beans-traveled from the region of southern Arabia, North Africa, Middle East, Europe and then to the Americas. … Continue
HUMBLE DJs 03.03.13
March 12, 2013Pullman Soul Presents Humble Legends Kai Alce, DJ Kemit & Ron Pullaman
The Holy Trinity of The Atlanta House Scene! The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit!-Everybody’s Favorite Photographer
“I drove into the parking lot.
I saw a neon church sign above the door.
I think. Oh, they changed the name of the club to the church just for tonight. … Continue
February 24, 2013Crossroads is defined by a road that crosses another road, or a road that runs transversely to main roads.*
“Please Stand By” reads the words painted on the wall. Around the corner, patrons sit at the bar, two pool tables entertain folk, “Pulp Fiction,” plays on several monitors, tired butts sit on couches, and a kid’s horsy ride sees no action. … Continue
February 22, 2013Kemi Bennings the artistic creator of Ministers of Sound the photography exhibit that showcases the role of DJ as minister, stopped by for a mini-view. Read the curator’s powerful responses in regards to this mind-altering exhibit.
1. How did the concept of Ministers of Sound, spotlighting DJs as ministers, come about?
The concept for Ministers of Sound came as a result of my late father, Rev.… Continue
February 17, 2013Where is the Love?
The City That Abandoned Funky House
Bye bye. The city’s funky house music days are done. For a city that is too busy partying, it sure does know how to kill a scene. Namely, funky house music, the sub-genre of house music. For those that missed funky house music’s obituary and its home-going service in this city, please, read on.… Continue