Posts Tagged ‘Atlanta Georgia’
March 30, 2012PEVEN EVERETT
& The Jam Band
Space2 harkens the memories of raving in an old abandoned warehouse by railroad tracks of yesteryear. The space hinges on the border of a dilapidated makeshift and an underground dance heaven. Somewhere along the line, lacking is the polished aesthetics. That exclusive charm that delivers a punch or an interior theme that applies a namesake.… Continue
March 18, 2012Invocation means to call upon the spirit of a deity. And on this night the ancestors answered the call. The congregation of those gathered heard angelic voices of sharp high notes float amongst their midst. The fancy footwork of the living danced with the graceful oscillates of motley spirits in perfect harmony that had transitioned from this world to the next many moons ago.… Continue
SOUL CLAP 16.03.12
March 17, 2012SOUL CLAP
1980’s neon headbands, candy cane stripped leg warmers and gold trimmed aviator sun glasses danced underneath the soft red glow of a shiny disco ball. It was 1984 and the freaks came out at night. Boston boys, Soul Clap travelled the timeline of soul in a funtastic spaceship of funk. From 2003 Outkast’s, “Speakerboxxx/The Love Below” to 1974 William DeVaughn’s, “Be Thankful For What You Got” the room rumbled like a travelling space ship storming through a meteor shower.… Continue
IAN FRIDAY 18.02.12
February 19, 2012IAN FRIDAY
A steady down pour could be heard beating against the car’s windshield on the way to Tambor. The pitter patter claps of drip drop provided the trip’s soundtrack as black wiper blades lazily moaned, “Swish Swash” in a predictable game of back and forth. The night was off to a wet start as the day’s earlier sunny sky succumbed to evening clouds and precipitation.… Continue
January 22, 2012Outdoors in the starry-eyed January night the warm sounds of DJ Octopuz’s, “House Music All Nite Long” (Deep Octopuz Mix) escaped the wooden locked doors to the heart of the venue. But indoors the saga played a different tune. The night was off to a slow start; a super slow start; so slow that a budding sense of sympathy was felt for Tambor’s founding fathers DJ Stan Zeff and DJ BE and apprehension for Timmy Regisford.… Continue
January 16, 2012BEN WESTBEECH 12.01.12
January 13, 2012BEN WESTBEECH
Winter kissed the stiff dark air with the breath of icy condensation on perhaps one of the coldest nights of the year thus far. Within the heated warmth of a cozy bar in the heart of midtown a deep conversation ensued about the lack of qualified dance venues in town and how this misfortune contributes to the want of souls on the dance floor.… Continue
December 17, 2011Zepherin Saint
Family Affair
In four months much can happen to a family. Some move away, be it to the east coast or west coast, others become mothers that welcome new life into the world while others move on in life to explore new paths. But then there’s the tried and true, the familiar faces that won’t ever leave but will always offer their fervent support.… Continue
MARK FARINA 08.12.11
December 9, 2011MARK FARINA
Outdoors in the cold night’s air, the crisp breathe of old man winter kissed the dark sky decorated with twinkling stars. On the corner of 13th and Peachtree Walk sat a cozy little nook-the lounge that resembled the gingerbread house from fabled fairytales of old. From its chimney smoke piped into the cool clear air while four count beats marched outdoors onto the empty city streets.… Continue
HOUSE IN THE PARK 7 04.09.11
September 5, 2011HOUSE IN THE PARK 7
8:30 am
Stretched back as far as the naked eye could see, tan tents and colorful canopies tripped alongside lush green hues perched next to the pebbled brook stream gently trickling in tranquility unaware of the bustling activity taking place around its soft aquatic voice. Boisterous SUVs bullied and bellowed their way into parking spaces along the down-slope descent of the park’s main drive, ready to be unloaded of goods, equipment and foods.… Continue