Posts Tagged ‘DJ Salah Ananse’
OSUNLADE 04.09.21 Amongst the Stars
September 10, 2021
Twenty-five dollars cash to park! GTFOH. Betta forget about street parking too. Onward the parking quest continues. When music spills over brick edges onto black asphalt. Where groups of melanin hourglasses wearing lemonade braids with sneakers tread. Along the historic of avenues – Auburn.
This is just another hot boy summer Saturday night in these streets. Or is it?… Continue
HOUSE IN THE PARK 11 06.09.15
September 8, 2015#HITPmatters
“HONK.” As sedans, pickups and 4X4’s slow to a crawl on I-20 eastbound at the ramp of Boulevard, the traffic on the World Wide Web stalls. Thankfully, no vehicles or servers, for that matter, crash. Finally!-And no not the CeCe Peniston classic-House In The Park Sunday arrives!
… ContinueJOSH MILAN 24.11.12
November 25, 2012ATTENTION SHOPPERS (ahem) DANCERS
It’s Black Saturday
at the Boutique House of Afrique Electrique!!!
The digital thermometer reads a brutal 28° Celsius on the coldest night of the season. The semi-empty street breathes wanted warmth as a few brave diehards straggle into brick abodes. Upon approach of the Boutique House, that is Space2, the soundtrack of “oonze, oonze, oonze” rattles the venue’s steel frame that pronounces it is party time. … Continue
September 30, 2012CELEBRATING MUJASI
This Is A War Cry.
The warriors are prepared. They have come ready to give out of sacrifice. They come ready to give life-bearing fruit. Too, the warriors are armed. They are armed with their finances. They are armed with their prayers. They are armed with their God-given talents, skilled abilities and creative acumen. They are armed with their dedication. … Continue
September 3, 2012Photography by AJ Dance
… ContinueATLANTA WEEKENDer 31.08.12
August 31, 2012ATLANTA WEEKENDer 2012
You are an international house music dancer stationed off the Persian Gulf coast on a T-shaped island in the capital city of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. You’re all set and ready to leave. Passport: Check. Electronic Ticket: Check. Luggage: Check. Dance sneakers: Check. You whisk through the security check- point gate in Terminal 3 at the Abu Dhabi International Airport.… Continue