Posts Tagged ‘DJ Wayne Williams’

CHOSEN FEW DJs 21.12.13

December 22, 2013


Winter’s arrival announces sixty degree temperatures. A gust of warm air dances into a car’s rolled down window as a 10th anniversary Kenny Dope remix plays into the night’s air. While trying to find a spot to park, blinding blue beams flash in the rear windshield. “Uh oh.” One of the city’s finest, dressed in blue from head to toe, exits a newly purchased navy Ford.Continue

Chosen Few DJ’s 04.05.12

May 5, 2012


“If you missed Friday night for this or that reason(s), then great. There was more dance space for me.”

White garments, fard faces, pinned-up hairdos, curly wigs, long legs, suede dress shoes and pumped stilettos stood orderly and fashionably in a wrapped around, roped off line-many of whom were unhappy and not accustomed to such trivial display-that ended at a burley black bouncer checking IDs.Continue