Posts Tagged ‘house music’
HUMBLE DJs 03.03.13
March 12, 2013Pullman Soul Presents Humble Legends Kai Alce, DJ Kemit & Ron Pullaman
The Holy Trinity of The Atlanta House Scene! The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit!-Everybody’s Favorite Photographer
“I drove into the parking lot.
I saw a neon church sign above the door.
I think. Oh, they changed the name of the club to the church just for tonight. … Continue
February 24, 2013Crossroads is defined by a road that crosses another road, or a road that runs transversely to main roads.*
“Please Stand By” reads the words painted on the wall. Around the corner, patrons sit at the bar, two pool tables entertain folk, “Pulp Fiction,” plays on several monitors, tired butts sit on couches, and a kid’s horsy ride sees no action. … Continue
February 17, 2013Where is the Love?
The City That Abandoned Funky House
Bye bye. The city’s funky house music days are done. For a city that is too busy partying, it sure does know how to kill a scene. Namely, funky house music, the sub-genre of house music. For those that missed funky house music’s obituary and its home-going service in this city, please, read on.… Continue
MASTER KEV 02.02.13
February 12, 2013MASTER KEV
There are a lot of people here! (pause) Not dancing.
Seven years earlier a gift enriched this magnificent metropolis. At a time when many soulful/deep house music gatherings danced on the edge of extinction one man stepped out from the ashes to heed the call. His name Ramon, his moniker Rawsoul, his vision The Gathering, hit the city’s underground soulful house community with a much-needed punch. … Continue
January 20, 2013JOSE MARQUEZ
A sports fanatic dream is when salty snacks, fiery hot wings and cold brews-that makes guts proudly flop over waistlines-are cast in pretentious hierarchical displays in every supermarket grocery store. These are the flatulence, oops, festivities leading up to the big game. The super of all bowls. The daddy of all daddies. The well…one gets the ruckus that captures the world’s short attention span and limited IQ every February. … Continue
JOSH MILAN 24.11.12
November 25, 2012ATTENTION SHOPPERS (ahem) DANCERS
It’s Black Saturday
at the Boutique House of Afrique Electrique!!!
The digital thermometer reads a brutal 28° Celsius on the coldest night of the season. The semi-empty street breathes wanted warmth as a few brave diehards straggle into brick abodes. Upon approach of the Boutique House, that is Space2, the soundtrack of “oonze, oonze, oonze” rattles the venue’s steel frame that pronounces it is party time. … Continue
RUBEN TORO 22.09.12
September 23, 2012The candy man was back at it at again, but this time at a new home called the Shelter and not to be associated with the NYC club with the same moniker.
Fred Everything’s featuring Wayne Tennant “Mercyless” (Atjazz Mix) greeted guests at the front door. Traveling up a flight of wooden stairs that landed safely on the second floor where door fees were paid in full and the left hand was stamped, one viewed the sounds of razor sharp synths mercilessly slice and dice fellow dancers on the dance floor. … Continue
JAMIE 3:26 02.09.12
September 4, 2012JAMIE 3:26
With that said, the people would have loved MORE Jamie 3:26. Here is to next time and hopes of more Jamie. –AJ Dance
In Space2 sharp sounds from synthesizers slice the air over a choppy drum beat that renders the crowd, “Mercyless.” Already a sizeable mount of foot soldiers conquer ground. The soldiers dance hard, almost too hard. … Continue
HOUSE IN THE PARK 8 02.09.12
September 3, 2012Gone are the days when House In the Park was intimate, sitting at quaint public city parks where 500 people gathered. Today, House In the Park has become a behemoth must-attend event for house heads, non house heads and soon to be house heads from around the world. It groups with the likes of large music festivals, think Music Midtown, DEMF or Bonnaroo. … Continue
September 3, 2012Photography by AJ Dance
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